Special Issue Description

Authors : Anshu Sharma, Vishal Pathak

Page Nos : 165-166

Description :
Climate change involves many aspects as global warming, rising sea level, ecological imbalance, melting of glaciers etc. These impacts threaten our health by affecting the water we drink, the air we breathe and the climate we experienced. It means any manmade harmful activity towards nature must lead towards negative effect on his health. Temperature rise may lead hotter days and hotter wind blow. According to the National Climate Assessment, climate change will affect human health by increasing ground level ozone and level of air pollution. In many areas increased water temperature produce many waterborne diseases because of algae and its multicellular growth. The climate change will increase energy of destruction of soil minerals resulting in simplification of mineral matrix due to accumulation of minerals tolerant to weathering. Health effects connected with loss of livelihoods and produce controversy between resources and migration are also of significant concern. To protect our world from the health effects of climate change, we must take some strong and effective steps that restore and save the climate.

Date of Online: 30 18,July.2021